Forge a meaningful connection with millions of individuals and communities of color

A unique marketing platform that combines the strengths of TV, digital, & OOH

  • Massive scale of TV with over 280M+ daily impressions
  • Targetability of digital limiting waste
  • High impact of OOH surrounding the shopping experience

Feature your brand on a can’t-miss wellness billboard in moments that matter

Capture the attention of millions of consumers of color on their path to purchase with Terraboost’s can’t-miss ad signage, located at the entrance and in high-traffic, high-dwell time areas throughout each venue, delivering 80% engagement.

Source: IRi 2022 Research Study

Connect with ethnically and racially diverse consumers with messaging that resonates

Many consumers of color are increasingly interested in supporting brands that support them.

  • 60% Hispanics
  • 76% African Americans
  • 58% Asian Americans

Source: IRi 2022, Research Study, Collage Group, 8/2023

Location-based precision targeting to maximize your ROAS

Our hyper-local zip code targeting enables us to pinpoint the most optimal locations for your brand with maximum reach of high-value individuals of color and high-density ethnically and racially dominant neighborhoods through 1st-party store-level data and 3rd-party syndicated research.

Retailer-endorsed wellness kiosks impact results

With the retailer’s logo prominently featured on the wellness kiosk, Pharma brands benefit from an implied endorsement that fosters trust and leads to positive brand awareness and a significant lift in purchase intent.

Multicultural-Half-Kiosk-with label

Blunt your competition with 100% share of voice at low and cost-efficient CPMs

Boosting your brand. Boosting your business. Boosting your bottom line!