Pharmaceutical Advertising Agency

While there are countless pharma ad agencies that can promote your brand through traditional mediums like billboards and cable TV ads, Terraboost takes an innovative approach that few agencies can compete with. 

We at Terraboost can feature your pharmaceutical company in pharmacy wait areas across the country through our network of 120,000+ wellness billboards and thousands of in-store advertising partners.

With our wide reach, you can easily select prime advertising locations based on specific income brackets, demographics, or even greater demand for prescription medications related to certain conditions. Plus, our specialization in wellness billboard advertising utilizes the latest marketing techniques to boost consumer engagement.

A Pharma Advertising Agency With National Reach For Maximum Brand Exposure

Many other pharma ad agencies are experienced in curating ad placements through their regional connections but are incapable of providing national brand exposure. 

Unlike other ad agencies, we at Terraboost have partnerships with national chains like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite Aid that can get your brand in front of patients at all major pharmacies in the US. 

Localized marketing campaigns can work great for small businesses, but not for companies in the pharmaceutical industry. Medical conditions are not restricted to geographic borders and neither should your advertising. Our wellness billboards can be equipped with the latest marketing technology to boost your brand awareness among both patients and healthcare professionals (HCPs).

Higher ROI Pharmaceutical Advertising With Physical And Digital Strategies

Traditional out-of-home (OOH) advertising channels like billboards or transit displays cast a wide net but are not nearly as targeted as Terraboost ads. 

Our wellness billboards can generate twice the reach of traditional mediums from the same amount of marketing expenditures. That’s because Terraboost’s approach to in-store advertising and point of care advertising that combines interactive physical displays with the latest digital marketing strategies. 

Interactive physical displays 

Wellness billboards prominently feature a sponsored advertisement above a sanitizing wipe dispenser. These sanitizing kiosks are so successful at increasing consumer engagement because they encourage shoppers to stop for a moment, take a wipe, and view the featured brand. Additionally, they attract health-conscious consumers who are generally more likely to resonate with medical advertising. 

Digital marketing strategies

With people spending more and more time online, it’s essential for a fully developed marketing campaign to deploy digital strategies like website banner ads and social media marketing. For Terraboost’s pharmaceutical clients, synergizing their OOH advertising with their online presence is easy. 

Our wellness billboards can come equipped with geofencing and retargeting capabilities that allow you to track your target audience. Geofencing uses the anonymized data of nearby consumers to deliver a pre-programmed advertisement to their mobile device when they cross a virtual border. 

Retargeting similarly uses anonymized mobile data, but it tracks shoppers that interact with physical displays to deliver digital advertisements to them at a later date. This digital tool is also called remarketing because it reaches consumers who’ve already interacted with your brand, and as a result, greatly increases the chance of customer conversions.  

Geofencing and retargeting tools are recent industry innovations, so they aren’t limited by extensive regulations like other advertising mediums are. 

Hit Your KPIs By Reaching HCPs and Consumers

The key performance indicators (KPIs) that pharmaceutical companies generally examine to evaluate the success of their marketing efforts include: 

  • Script lifts
  • Awareness of specific diseases
  • Engagement with HCPs 

Terraboost has an extensive record of reaching these KPIs for our pharmaceutical company clients. Wellness billboards in pharmacy wait areas are the ideal advertising location for healthcare brands and can encourage consumers to ask their pharmacist or doctor if your drug is right for them. In doing so, our advertisements boost brand presence among patients and HCPs. 

Reach 130 Million People Daily, with up to 80% Engagement

Terraboost’s 120,000+ wellness boards reach 130 million people daily and deliver 8.9 billion monthly engagements. By placing sanitizing kiosks at storefronts and pharmacy wait areas of the country’s leading retailers, we ensure our sponsored brands will attract consumer attention. 

With each of our clients, we offer custom solutions and tailor advertising kiosks to meet your unique needs. In addition to retargeting and geofencing, we can synergize our sanitizing kiosks with your digital marketing strategies via QR codes and interactive touch screens.

The success of our wellness billboards is backed by studies from Nielsen Media Research, which confirmed 63% ad recall, 77% engagement, and 94% positive brand opinion among shoppers. 

Let’s Work Together

When it comes to targeted OOH advertising, nothing can quite compare to what our wellness boards deliver for healthcare brands. 

If you’re looking to get the most out of your pharmaceutical marketing campaign, get in touch with a Terraboost agent today for key industry insights and a free personalized quote

You can also contact and direct your current pharmaceutical marketing agency to use our services for OOH marketing. 

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